
Find a Replacement Cooling Receptacle when your Fridge breaks

Find a Replacement Cooling Receptacle

 Coolers work temporarily but ice which can be produced by cube ice machine ,tube ice machine ,flake ice machine melts causing temperature rise and possible cross contamination of food as everything is sitting in the same water. However, these will work as a temporary solution to help prevent your food from spoiling. 

 If you have a spare freezer move all you can there (minus uncooked fresh fruits and vegetables), if not, ask a friend / neighbor / family member to use their refrigerator. This is a great idea if your fridge is not working and you need to prevent your food from spoiling. 

Cook Fresh Food

 Any fresh food you have in the fridge, you can cook up to keep it from going bad. Vegetables that usually can stand up to the freezer can be blanched (lightly boiled for 3 minutes or so) and frozen for storage.

 If you can find a replacement refrigeration receptacle, cook all the food in the refrigerator. Worst case, at least the extra food will go to friends and neighbors and not in the trash.
If you need help when your fridge breaks, one of the best things you can do is call Abacus Appliance Repair.

 It only costs a mere $59 for a single-appliance service call, which is very reasonable and they will help get you started to remove the food and save it from spoiling. 

 They provide you with a free written estimate, allowing you to see all the details and charges written up in detail, making it easier to understand. 

 The great thing about this company is that they give you an honest opinion. They always make sure you are aware of exactly what the problem is and what their solution is. 

 They provide you with timely service you can rely on, never making you wait.

 Don Open Refrigerator Until Ready to Move Food

 There are important tips to remember, to give yourself as much time as possible and prevent the food from spoiling. For instance, the more you open the door the more cold air gets released raising the temperature of the interior of your refrigerator, causing bacteria to grow and food to spoil faster. Keep the door closed as much as possible, to avoid this. 

