
Direct Cooling Ice Block Machine for Syria

       Block ice making machine is divided into direct cooling ice block machine and brine tank ice block machine .
       The features of  ferguson - direct cooling ice block machine
       1.Evaporator special aerospace grade aluminum material used, more durable and ice meet food hygiene requirements;
       2.Automatic melting ice, off the ice, without manual operation, the process simple and quick;
       3.Batch off the ice, off the ice time per batch only about 25 minutes, energy efficient;
       4.Available Forklift bulk shipped to ice freezer, no manual handling, improve efficiency;
       5.Overall modular equipment, transportation, mobile, on-site installation is very simple;
       6.According to different requirements, each ice type ice machine directly, we are tailored to customers;
      7.Ice-type direct containerized block ice machine can be made, 20-foot or 40-foot containers

